To buy or not to buy
When your in a store, you’ve found a beautiful piece of clothing, that’s when you ask yourself(and anyone you know nearby, even if their answer doesn’t matter): Should I buy it?
This particular question has always been a problem for me. “Should I buy it?”(or however you would rephrase it), after asking this question the answer “yes” always pops up in my head along with reasons that would only make sense this very moment, leading to buying it. Sounds familiar?
So in order to solve this problem in advance you could write lists and guidelines to follow when shopping. But when you’re there, without guidelines or lists, how do you solve this problem?
The most obvious option would be to simply put it back, run out of the store and never look back. But if you need a good reason not to buy it before walking away; there is a solution.
What we all deserve is only the best, what makes us feel good, things we love. So whenever you find yourself in this situation all you need to do is ask yourself: Do I love it?
It’s as simple as that, because if you don’t love it right then and there; you never will and you deserve only things you love.
#shopping #fashion #fashionblog