Category: Travel

Beach Vacation: Outfit inspiration And Travel Tips

Beach Vacation: Outfit inspiration And Travel Tips

I am finally back after taking an unexpected break, I guess you could call it a semester šŸ˜‰ But I'm officially back and I have a lot of ideas for my absolute favorite season, fall. But for now, I am focusing on summer outfits, not because it's still summer (it's certainly not warm outside any longer) but because I have a beach vacation coming up. . . .  read more

Paris Fashion: 3 Outfits Inspired By My Paris Trip

Paris Fashion: 3 Outfits Inspired By My Paris Trip

Whenever I'm going somewhere that requires packing, I always make sure my outfits are cohesive. The last time I used this fun technique was a few weeks ago when I went to Paris. The style, print and colors of the outfits I wore made me so inspired. If I would have needed more outfits, that wouldn't have been a problem at all. Because we only had a few days I didn't need that many. So I decided to make more just because I wanted too, and I figured it would make an interesting post. Today I'm only showing you three outfits, but there is certainly more where that came from. . . .  read more

The Fashion Capitals: 3 Days In Paris

The Fashion Capitals: 3 Days In Paris


I recently came home from my very first trip to Paris and IĀ am exhausted. Although I had some bad luck during this trip becauseĀ of an upset stomach and dyingĀ feet due to a lot of walking (about 15 to 25Ā thousand steps a day.) I have had an amazing trip and I really want to go back. Because of the shortage of time, there are so many things we didn’t have time for, but I shall return. . . .  read more



The Malta trip was just as expected; amazing and I can’t wait to go back. Fortunately for me the plan is to go back during the fall and I have already begun planning. . . .  read more

A Smart Way To Pack Your Jewelry

A Smart Way To Pack Your Jewelry

I have always had problems with packing and one of the most annoying things to pack are jewelry. If you put everything in a small purse or makeup bag you usually end up with a big lump of jewelry making it impossible to take out that one necklace you need. I love organizing, space saving storage and smart ways to pack so I am always looking for the best ideas. . . .  read more