Blue Moon – Painting Time Lapse Using Acrylics

Blue Moon – Painting Time Lapse Using Acrylics

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I was working on a video last week that failed. Apparently, the camera decided to stop filming, because the memory card was full. It happened again during the making of today’s video as well, because the card didn’t have enough memory. The plan is to buy a (possibly two) faster card with more memory.

Problems aside, I am so happy with today’s video and its content. I did consider uploading it to a second Youtube channel, but since this painting is a fashion painting, I decided it was appropriate for my official channel.

I don’t have a video planned for next week, however, you’ll still get a new blog post.

Here is the video, it’s a bit long but hopefully you’ll enjoy it!

Here are some pictures of the painting.


Thanks For Reading

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