Tag: #fashionpsychic

7 Layered outfits for the winter season

7 Layered outfits for the winter season

All of my life I have struggled to keep warm during the winter because I am someone who is cold most of the time. I remember, when I was little, my mom would make me wear tights underneath my jeans and snow pants over them when I went outside. Although that annoyed me back then, I know now that’s the reason I didn’t freeze to death. And so, layered outfits has always been something I’ve needed in my life. But it was when I got older that I realized layered outfits could look good too. . . .  read more

Cow print skirt DIY: Using fabric markers or paint + hemming a skirt

Cow print skirt DIY: Using fabric markers or paint + hemming a skirt

With animal print making a huge comeback this year, I started to think about cow print. So I thought it was about time I did something I have wanted to do for a very long time. You see there is something I have always been lacking in my closet despite wanting it for many years. Let me begin by telling you a little story. . . .  read more

Beach Vacation: Outfit inspiration And Travel Tips

Beach Vacation: Outfit inspiration And Travel Tips

I am finally back after taking an unexpected break, I guess you could call it a semester 😉 But I'm officially back and I have a lot of ideas for my absolute favorite season, fall. But for now, I am focusing on summer outfits, not because it's still summer (it's certainly not warm outside any longer) but because I have a beach vacation coming up. . . .  read more

DIY Metal Jewelry Using Wire And Brass Strips

DIY Metal Jewelry Using Wire And Brass Strips

If there is any DIY I love, it's the kind that looks store-bought and not homemade. I love finding ways to create a piece of jewelry instead of simply buying it in store. Because metal jewelry, in particular, is hard or at least not as common to create on your own, as opposed to something with pearls, it looks more store-bought. Thankfully it's so easy to find the right material online nowadays, there is no limit to what you can do.  . . .  read more

Paris Fashion: 3 Outfits Inspired By My Paris Trip

Paris Fashion: 3 Outfits Inspired By My Paris Trip

Whenever I'm going somewhere that requires packing, I always make sure my outfits are cohesive. The last time I used this fun technique was a few weeks ago when I went to Paris. The style, print and colors of the outfits I wore made me so inspired. If I would have needed more outfits, that wouldn't have been a problem at all. Because we only had a few days I didn't need that many. So I decided to make more just because I wanted too, and I figured it would make an interesting post. Today I'm only showing you three outfits, but there is certainly more where that came from. . . .  read more

The Fashion Capitals: 3 Days In Paris

The Fashion Capitals: 3 Days In Paris


I recently came home from my very first trip to Paris and I am exhausted. Although I had some bad luck during this trip because of an upset stomach and dying feet due to a lot of walking (about 15 to 25 thousand steps a day.) I have had an amazing trip and I really want to go back. Because of the shortage of time, there are so many things we didn’t have time for, but I shall return.

For today’s post I am going to share some of the many photos I have taken during this trip. Because it was only a three-day trip, all pictures were taken with my new red iPhone 8 plus. (this first one was taken with my red Nikon 5200)


Paris: Day 1

After arriving in Paris, we made our way to the hotel, freshened up and then began walking towards Lafayette. If there is ever a time you feel extremely poor, it’s when you’re walking around among all the designer bags you ever saw in Vogue. Not a great feeling, but it makes you want to save more money. Someday, I am going to enter Lafayette, pick a designer bag and buy it, and maybe a few more things…

Macarons In The Rain

After walking around with your mouth open for about ten minutes (because that’s about all you can take when you don’t have money..) we made our way to Ladurée which was in the same building. Although the macarons existed in about 12 flavors, we all decided we wanted lemon hence the not so exciting photo. I also decided I wanted a croissant, but because they were out I had to settle for a pain au chocolat which was not a problem at all of course. While we were sitting outside Lafayette enjoying our macarons the rain began pouring down. Although it was a bit struggle not getting wet by staying underneath the parasol, it was really cozy.

Me and my sister were both pretty shaken when a woman passing by dropped the bottle in her hand, causing the wine it contained to be washed away by the rain, leaving the street red and the air filled with the smell of wine.


After this already eventful day, we made our way back to the hotel and got ready for the evening. We walked past Moulin Rouge which was close to our hotel and all the way up to Montmartre. We made our way to Place du Tertre and had some mussels, oysters and foie gros at La Crémaillére.


Lafayette . . .  read more