DIY: How To Make A Scarf Ear Wrap/Earring

DIY: How To Make A Scarf Ear Wrap/Earring

I have returned from hibernation! Although I’ll admit, I would like to stay there because it has been oh so cold (although it’s a bit better now). Before my long Christmas break, I doubted myself, because I had literally no inspiration left. A part of me worried that it would never return and that I had lost interest in fashion altogether. But I am excited to share that it has, in fact, returned, like the arrival of a pair of platform boots you’ve been expecting for weeks 😉 .

The first post of the year

This post will be the first one since late December and it is a DIY post. I started to plan this DIY as far back as late November. When some time has passed since I first start planning a post, it sometimes becomes irrelevant. Fortunately, this post is still relevant in my eyes. The inspiration for this post came from the Marine Serre 2018 Ready-to-wear fall collection. Most of the models wore an earring, all with a different silk scarf hanging from it. As pretty as that was, the risk of tearing your ear lobe off is real…


The Ear Wrap

So once I decided an earring with a long scarf hanging off of it wasn’t the best idea; I decided an ear wrap would be better. When I first got the idea I wasn’t sure what to call it, and I decided ear-hugger made sense (hence the text on my design.) It sounded accurate since the wire is hugging your ear, but the term “ear-hugger” is more commonly used for postback earrings where a decorative backing protrudes to the front right below the lobe, thus hugging the lobe or the ear if you will. So I decided to google “ear wrap” which seemed to be what most people call it.

Anyways, here is how I made the scarf ear wrap.

What I used



The first thing I did was laying out the scarf and deciding what size I wanted it to be. I cut out a square which was approximately 30 cm.



Next, I folded and pinned the two edges that weren’t hemmed (the ones that I just cut.)



And then I sewed along the edge (as straight as I could) with a black thread.



When the scarf was finished; I used a hole punch to make a hole at one of the corners of the scarf. I used a piece of cardboard underneath to make it easier.



And then I used my eyelet pliers to add the eyelet to where the hole is. That’s when I realized that the eyelet pliers had a hole punch on the side…



After that, I shaped a piece of wire into a shape that would wrap around the ear properly. I had to try it on and adjust it a bit until it had the right fit.



Finally, I attach the scarf to the wire piece. The bottom loop was facing the wrong way at first so I had to adjust it. (The picture shows you the right way)


And there you have it! I was really excited about this DIY and I am really happy with how it turned out.


But wait, there is more…

I also made a new video where I show you the steps of how to make the ear wrap. The only difference is the shape and size that I made the scarf piece. It’s longer and less voluminous at the top so it’s a bit of a different look. If you’re interested, take a look below to watch the video as well as some pictures (also shown in the video.)


Thank you so much for reading

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